Putting into perspective just how much or how little an attended funeral with a full ceremony is. I attended a Greenacres event yesterday evening and their price for cremation (unattended) following a 60 minute ceremony with music and tribute is £1,095 Yes there will be disbursments on top of this; celebrant/minister fee, service sheets (if wanted) and flowers but this is the reality of choice. There will also be the Funeral Directors charge for taking care of your loved one. Please do not be taken in by T.V. advertising or other advertising that suggest certain online companies offer a cheaper, anxiety free option. The reality of what they offer is not as dignified as they portray and you need to say goodbye. Direct cremations have their place, especially if followed by a Celebration of Life Ceremony and are readily offered by all Funeral Directors who add a personal touch to caring for you and your loved one. There are many options when someone passes away, speak to a celebrant who will discuss options and help you work out what is best for you. This beautiful venue is at a Greenacres natural burial ground which offers cremation services as well but you can have your ceremony almost anywhere. #greenacres#directcremations #funeraloptions#sayinggoodbye #surreyfunerals#hampshirefunerals#funeralservices#funeralcelebrant #celebrant
